Sign up for a project You can sign up to our projects by completing the ‘Sign Up Form’ and selecting the project you would like to join. We will be in touch when we have received your details. Sign Up Form Title TitleHa Ha Half Term AnticsThe Roots of the our Tree Young Persons Name Date of birth of Young Person (DD/MM/YYYY) Address Email Address Parent/Guardians Name Parent/Guardian Phone number Please select if there are any medical needs of the young person Please select if there are any medical needs of the young personYesNo Please give details of any medical needs of the young person Please add any dietary requirements including allergies Please add any information you think would be useful to know Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Telephone Number Will the young person will be collected at the end of the session Will the young person will be collected at the end of the sessionYesNo Who will be collecting the young person at the end of the session Image Consent I give permission for the named young person’s photo to be used for promotional purposes, including but not exclusively social media Image Consent I give permission for the named young person’s photo to be used for promotional purposes, including but not exclusively social mediaYesNo Video Consent I give permission for the named young person's video to be used for promotional purposes including, but not exclusively social media Video Consent I give permission for the named young person's video to be used for promotional purposes including, but not exclusively social mediaYesNo Please select 'Yes' to confirm consent to 'your information' accept your details being added to our database for future projects Please select 'Yes' to confirm consent to 'your information' accept your details being added to our database for future projectsYesNo Submit Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.